
Stripey Ghan and Valentines Day

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My Dh was home for the weekend last weekend. He had to head back out on Tuesday. So he gave me my Valentine presents early. He is such a sweetie! As you can see, I just love Teddy bears, and red is one of my favorite colors. And I also love yellow roses. They come second only to my favorite Daffodils. While Dh was home our new Devotinal books arrived!!! YEAH!!! We got new devotinal book for couples, called Night Light. This book is done by Dr James and Shirley Dobson.

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And here you see some of the latest pictures of my Stripey Ghan. I am still slowly plugging away at this one.It is so fun seeng how all the different colors look together. I am just grabbing colors as I go; making sure to put a black stripe between each color. I am thinking about doing a ripple like this also.

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