
Spring Round Ripple

My Newest Round Ripple.
I started a new round ripple. This one seems to be more of spring colors. So I am calling it  My Spring Round Ripple. I will be adding some white next and then a round of the verrigated again. After that I will be adding some green that matches the green in the verrigated. :)

Cookies and Cream

I found a really cute cookbook at the store recently for cupcakes and cakes. So I tried some of thm out. Above is the cookies and cream.. It is made with chocolate cake mix, oreao cookies, white frosting and marshmallow cream. There is also a cream filled center. :) YUM!

Tie Dye Cupcakes

I aslo tried out the Tie Dye cupcakes. :) They were a lot of fun to make. I used white cake mix and a lot of food coloring.


Jennie said...

The cupcakes look so yummy! And the round spring ripple is very pretty- I love making those round blankets. It's so much more satisfying to me than a square or rectangle :)

crazymotheringchick said...

Your round ripple is looking great. I need to make me one of those, my son shang-hai'd the last one I made.

Oh, the cupcakes look delish. I love the plate you put them on.

Joansie said...

Love the afghan.

and...........that dessert is making me salivate.